Friday, 18 June 2010

A week in the life of Rebecca - Royal Liver 2010

Royal Liver 2010 - with Rebecca Creamer

Sunday 9th May 2010

Rig Day

Early start…

Snap happy!-that’s how I would summarize the day for myself. I spent quite a lot of time acting as the paparazzi on our rig day - much to the crews’ aversion.

My first mission of the day was to ensure that our shrine (the urn) was ready and waiting for the crew to appreciate. Done and dusted and off to find breakfast! Pointed in a general direction, I went to investigate the potential of cafes in Cardiff city centre. I was pleased with my findings. Not far from City Hall my nose smelt the aroma of fresh bread baking followed by sausages and bacon! Just what the doctor ordered.

All boxed up I returned to the hungry crew who were very appreciative though I couldn’t stop thinking about how to the cafĂ© proprietor I must have looked like the greediest person in the world!

Royal Liver 2010Royal Liver 2010

Up next, table assemblage with Michele. My expertise comes in the form of organization - that’s why I’m a Project Manager. I did however gaffe cables, attach speakers to stands and assist raising the set. The set raising was the most exciting.

Back on to my main mission for the day – photography. I had to use guerilla tactics to ensure pictures were taken of everyone in action. I received some grumbles but it just gave my role a more realistic feel.

Lunch approached but this time Helen (Fordy) Ford was there to take on the mission alongside myself of pleasing all with lunch- a rather difficult task I might add.

By close of day, most of the technical crew had departed leaving the rest of us to prep the room for rehearsals tomorrow! 8 down to 5!

We made it! Till tomorrow…

Monday 10th – Friday 14th May 2010

The rest of the week was work, work, work!

Michele (with one ‘L’ if you like living): Producer (coffee but milk first no sugar)
Ron: Camera man/Media Technician (tea, one sugar)
Fordy: Media Technician (tea, milk no sugar)
Jay: Sound Technician (coffee, milk and only sugar in the morning)
Me: Registration (tea/coffee milk no sugar – although not together)

As you can see I became a connoisseur at brew making. My main role however was to scan the delegates badges to register them for the morning and afternoon sessions.

Royal Liver 2010Royal Liver 2010

The delegates were all lovely which made my job great! Overall, I spent my time checking everyone was happy - both the delegates and crew.

I really enjoy getting the opportunity to go out on events because the first hand experience on a live event allows you to get a true appreciation of what we do in all departments to get the final product as a team. It is really exciting to see everything come together.

Until next time…
Rebecca Creamer
Project Manager