Last June we invited the event organiser from CAT Publications along to one of our events at the Grosvenor Hotel, Park Lane to take a look at our innovative 3 screen technology which we were hoping to utilise for their 2012 event.
The evening was a success and as a result we created a proposal based upon a Greek theme to keep in line with their event being ‘in the year of the Olympics.’
After a successful pitch presentation, we were given the chance to once again work with CAT Publications; this time, we had to impress over 750 industry insiders at the Meetings and Incentive Travel Industry Awards 2012. This event, held at the Park Plaza, Westminster Bridge rewards industry bodies in such categories as Best UK Hotel, Best Event Provider and Best UK Unusual Venue and showcases the best of the best.
Our challenge was to ensure that this year’s event surpassed the previous awards whilst highlighting the 25th anniversary of CAT Publications and keeping the audience captivated.
In keeping with the Greek theme the backdrop was a bespoke build made of 4 columns with an amazing height of 24ft! Each column was individually made by our in-house set designers and finished with a stone effect to fit perfectly with our cloud backdrop and bespoke screens.
The screen surrounds were produced in a stone finish as opposed to felt to ensure that the set was seamless in its presentation. Every inch of the set was thought out and thorough assessments took place in the lead up to ensure that the best materials were utilised.
The stage too was a bespoke build which the team pieced together back at our warehouses in advance to ensure that all proportions were accurate and that overall the set and stage were flawless.

A full run through on the screens took place as multiple deliveries from sponsors arrived bringing ice sculptors, reception furniture etc. By 5pm the venue was ready and we were awaiting the reception at 6pm.
All in position the event kicked off at 7pm and ran straight through until 01:00 when we commenced the de-rig. We were tucked up in bed by 05:00 – all happy in the notion that the evening was a great success and well worth the months of preparation.
If you attended the M & IT Awards we would love to hear from you. Or if you have any comments or questions regarding this article, please do get in touch.
By Rebecca Creamer